A few words with AMLY - Botanical & Sustainable Skincare

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The school holidays are upon us, and I am wondering quite how I am going to get through the next few weeks whilst the pandemic is still upon us. Having complained so vehemently about home schooling, right now I think I would be grateful for the routine to occupy the 7 year old! We are lucky to live near the beach at least.

We also have the beautiful Sussex countryside on our doorstep, which is where the brand I want to introduce to you today hail from. I came across AMLY on the Instagram feed of photographer Sarah Weal, I’ve worked with Sarah in the past, and she is one of my favourite photographers. If you haven’t already, you must check out her series of locals behind windows, such an inspired way to photograph people during lockdown. Sarah recently did a shoot at Hawthbush Farm, the home of one of the founders of AMLY and the source of a vital product ingredient as you will read below.

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I am always on the look out for natural skincare products that are effective, and AMLY’s are award winning, they also smell incredible. I can honestly say, I am now hooked! Of course, it goes without say the fact they are on my doorstep is a bonus too. I chatted to Kerry Moore, co-founder of AMLY about the brand.

- How did AMLY come in to being?

Lisa and I have been friends for 20 years, when she moved to her organic farm and discovered the incredible water source we decided to combine our experience of health and wellbeing and knowledge of the land to create products that would not only be beautiful to use but that would enhance wellbeing.

- I am intrigued by the spring water beneath your meadow, do you use it in all the AMLY products, and what does it add to them?

The silver rich water in a way is a product in itself. The healing properties of silver are well known for its anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties. The spring water is the perfect base for a skin product. We felt this could be enhanced with the addition of botanicals and essential oils, that had an affinity to the source of the water. The blending of these traditional ingredients with the more modern natural actives was our way of introducing the alchemy, so pertinent to the silver, a real melding of traditional and modern. We were very clear that we wanted to remain as pure as possible while creating a product that really works. 
The silver and mineral rich water is used in all our water based products.

All images from AMLY

- Do you have a favourite AMLY product?

So difficult to choose as I use them all in my skincare rituals, with each new creation we fall in love!

I do however absolutely adore the Bio-Fermented Facial Essences - they are truly skin transforming. The ability of the Apple Cider Vinegar to ‘micro-exfoliate’ - removing dead skin cells and revealing fresh, bright skin whilst nourishing and repairing is quite remarkable. Game changers!

All images from AMLY

- I notice you have a morning and evening skincare ritual on your website, is this the skincare routine you both follow?

Self-Care Rituals are a hugely important part of our philosophy at AMLY, I worked to create them using my knowledge of the facial structure and techniques employed in my Holistic practice to soften and relax. I feel that they are as important as the products we are using, we are all becoming more aware of how important it is to be kind to not only others but to ourselves.

- Are there any other things aside from products that you feel help to maintain healthy skin?

As we are a holistic brand we truly believe every aspect of wellbeing contributes to healthy skin so diet, exercise, fresh air, mindfulness and avoiding harsh chemicals all help!

- Do you have any exciting future plans for AMLY?

Lisa and I work collaboratively on most aspects of AMLY. We work together to create the products, deciding what we would like to create next (usually something we want on our bathroom shelves!) what the ingredients will be to get the results we want to achieve and what the scent profile will be in order to enhance wellbeing and correspond to the lifestyle needs. 

We currently have several new products which we are really excited about, they have been in development for almost 2 years (we don’t like to rush!) so it will be amazing to see them finalised.

All images provided by AMLY

All images provided by AMLY

- It has been a strange time for us all recently with the COVID-19 pandemic, how have you got though it?

It has been an opportunity to focus on both ourselves and those closest to us, to take time, be in the silence and pay attention. Meditation, Chi Gung and excess baking have been my salvation!

You can find AMLY here:

Stay safe everyone, I’m off to google Chi Gung and treat myself to some AMLY bio-fermented facial essence.

Emma x

Emma Harris