Claudia Lowry - Artist & Illustrator


Many moons ago, I used to have a different blog, in which I wrote about local artists. I eventually gave it up when I became pregnant with my second daughter. But today I am going back to those roots, because I want to introduce you to the work of Claudia Lowry. I can’t remember how I found Claudia, but I instantly fell in love with her botanical drawings and paintings, and I think you will love them too.

Claudia’s work has a delicate, ethereal feel that reminds me of the Victorian watercolours that hung in my father’s home as child. There is a lightness of touch which brings her drawings and paintings to life, and exquisite use of colour that captures the sutbleties of nature.

Claudia was kind enough to answer a few questions for me about her work and what inspires her.


Tell me a little bit about yourself.

I'm Claudia, I live in Horsham, West Sussex with my husband and two boys (11 and 8). We moved from SE London 5 years ago wanting to be near the countryside and coast and ended up here, in a place admittedly we knew very little about but it ticked a lot of boxes, luckily we're very happy here!

How did you become an illustrator?

I went to art college to study illustration and after graduating moved to London. I didn't actively pursue a career as an illustrator at that time as by chance my first job was for an artist agency representing illustrators and designers. I loved it and ended up working as an artist agent for the next ten years, culminating in setting up my own agency which I ran for 3 years whilst also juggling early motherhood ( a bit mad!). Over the course of my career I worked with some incredible creatives on a huge variety of exciting projects but I always had a niggling feeling that I was letting myself down for not pursuing my own work. Which leads me on to my next answer...


Does where you live inspire your work?

When we moved here it was like blinkers falling from my eyes, I instantly wanted to draw again. Being surrounded by countryside, watching the ebb and flow of the landscape as the seasons change and being able to take my sketchbook out and sit and draw wildflowers or views nearby was a total revelation. I was so inspired. I started posting my work on Instagram (after initially dabbling in printmaking for a short while) and people began to enquire about commissions and buying my work. It's all happened very organically.

Are there ever times when you don’t feel inspired to draw? 

Never! I want to draw the whole time and actually get quite frustrated when I don't have the opportunity to draw. I'm constantly thinking of what I want to draw next.


Do you have a favourite flower?

Quite literally impossible to choose! I love so many, some are linked with memories and special people, others are linked to my surroundings or the seasons.

Do you have any tips for those wishing to draw nature?

Keep a sketchbook. Try and get out and really look at the plants and flowers in their own environment. Notice the seasons. Draw anything that catches your eye, and don't be too precious.


Whose work inspires you?

I have always adored the work of Elizabeth Blackadder. David Hockney's early drawings and the freedom of Cy Twombly's work are also an inspiration, as are Winifred Nicholson's still life paintings amongst others.

Do you have a ritual when drawing (i.e. listening to music)?

It really depends on my mood. Sometimes I need complete silence (which is a rarity!), other times I will listen to a podcast or music. I'm currently really enjoying the latest Laura Marling album and Katy Hessel's great women artists podcast.


Is there ever anything else you’d like to do instead?

I've always had a dream of owning my own gallery with a little shop attached full of interesting craft and nice things. But doesn't everyone?!

How are you surviving lockdown?

Solitary early morning walks or runs with our border terrier puppy. Enables me to empty my busy head and try and get back on an even keel before the day really starts. That and an unhealthy obsession with salt and vinegar crisps.


You can find Claudia here:

Instagram - @claudialowry_art

Website - (coming soon)

Claudia is currently selling work and taking commissions via her Instagram account.

Emma x

Emma Harris