My Favourite Flower - Katherine Dorrington

Before I introduce my guest for this month's My Favourite Flower column, I just want to say a quick, but very big thank you to everyone who commented on my blog post yesterday.  It really does mean a lot to be part of such a supportive online community. Ok, let's get on with the post, my guest is someone who I have admired for a long time now, the very clever Katherine Dorrington, as you can see below, Katherine's photos are stunningly beautiful, and her love of flowers is obvious.  Here is what she has to say about her favourite:

What is your favourite flower, and why?

Gosh this is a hard question Emma! Much like choosing a favourite colour, I struggle trying to narrow down my favourite flower to just one. I love ranunculus, tulips, narcissus and spring's profusion of blossom, but I'm equally enamoured with Japanese windflowers, hellebores, dahlias and cosmos. And then of course there are camellias... But if I'm going to pick just one, I keep coming back to the humble garden rose. It is the flower that gives me the most joy displayed in my home, particularly those with a scent or the densely layered petals of a cabbage rose. I love the variety found in roses, from standards to climbing, the palest white or pink to vibrant yellow or peach and I love that they flower in my garden 9 out of 12 months. There is nothing more satisfying then the scent of home grown roses wafting through the house.

How do you like to display them in your home?

Probably my favourite way to display roses would be little groupings of single stems in old vintage bottles, milk glass or small vases. I often scatter them through the house, some on the windowsill above the sink, in the hallway, the bathroom, kitchen table, etc. It fills the house with colour and scent. Essie, my four year old daughter, loves to have them by the side of her bed (she takes after her mother!). The girls and I will go out early in the morning and pick all the roses that are open, I particularly love David Austin roses but they don't last well outside in the Australian heat so I would much rather have them in the house.

Anything else you would like to share?

Funnily enough, while I love most roses, I'm not a huge fan of red roses. I'd be disappointed if my husband came home with a bunch of perfect single stem red roses (that sounds terrible doesn't it!). I'd much rather he trimmed some over hanging garden roses on the walk home from work (he's not that brave though ha ha).

Thanks so much for having me on your lovely blog talking about one of my favourite subjects.



All photos by Katherine Dorrington

I should be thanking you Katherine, for treating us all to such gorgeous images, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your answers.   I've probably said this before, but I think if I had to choose, garden roses would be my favourites too, and I am very envious of Katherine's almost year long supply!  Funnily enough, I am also not a fan of the single stemmed red rose either, a garden rose beats them any day!

You can find Katherine here:

Instagram:  @katherinedorrington

Have a great weekend.

Emma x