My Favourite Flower - Emily Quinton

Today's guest for the My Favourite Flower column, is the gorgeous Emily Quinton from the lovely blog Makelight. If you are a regular reader of A Quiet Style, you will know that I really look up to Emily, I firmly believe that her photography workshop changed my life, and not only is she a brilliant teacher, and an amazing photographer (check out her instagram account), she is also genuinely one of the loveliest people I have met. So when I asked Emily if she would like to join me for the My Favourite Flower column, I was thrilled that she said yes! Here is what Emily has to say about her favourite flower along with her beautiful photographs:

Hydrangeas are one of my favourite flowers to display in my home. I love having fresh blooms during the Summer months and then drying them to last through Autumn and Winter. I always make sure I dry enough to make a Christmas wreath for our front door too.



I love all the different colours and how the colours change as they dry, the tones of the flowers changing from Summer to Autumn.



I enjoy displaying a single stem on its own or a large vase full. I also love cutting a tiny piece and popping it in a sweet little vase or teacup.


My Grandmother had lots of Hydrangeas in her front garden when I was a child, so they always remind me of her and bring back happy memories.


All photos by Emily Quinton

Thank you so much for being my guest Emily, I have a soft spot for hydrangeas for the same reason you do, and your photos are absolutely stunning as always.

You can find Emily here:

By the way if you fancy making a hydrangea wreath like Emily does each Christmas, I noticed that Apartment Apothecary currently have a tutorial for one.

Have a great week.

Emma x